the secret  


Watched some heavy stuff on tuesday, took some time swallowing it, and now still digesting... The Secret, something that is seen and proved since the earth was formed... Yet still so profound, so interesting, and come to think of it, too easy! So what is it? It's the Law Of Attraction (which, to me, can also be translated into many other terms), one of the many laws that was with us since the beginning of time. Have you ever wondered, why is tht so-so fellow somehow better than you? Or, 'why is tht loser getting what he wants?'. See, the law of attraction is the key factor between winning or losing and thus is real and self-evident throughout our lives. This law is basically based psychologically, something like 'you are what you think' but at a higher, and unlimited level, it somewhats, teaches us how to use our psychological/spiritual dimension. Our brains transmit frequencies whenever we think. It doesn't matter whether it is a positive or negative thought, your brain transmits it and the universe will help you on what you thought. So it goes on from there to... I dunno, wherever you want it to be if The Almighty allows... Heavier, if you see it first hand... cheers to a better world!

about time...  


The times since the election had shown that stocks all over took a shake, it was(and is) then high-time to start investing for there was an advantage of some bargain-hunting. Anyway I chickened out that part and landed into unit trust. The thing is, I'm not really ready for d action in the stock market, cause I just got only a few dimes(oh nickels!) to spare. But as I tracked the funds past records, I found out that the fund has its distributions on july every year. So my goal was to buy in the right time so I that I can get the distributions. And lo, the distributions came in d 2nd of july.. and hey, I got a 4.4% yield in less than a month.. haha better than the bank's interest right?